Health Office Reminders

The health office would like to welcome you and your student to the 2022-23 school year.
A few housekeeping needs we would like to make you aware of.
  • Please fill out the permission in the Aspen Parent Portal for the health office regarding over the counter medications.
  • Please deliver any prescribed medications your child might need during the school day to the health office - with the medications we require a parental consent form completed and doctor's orders to administer the medication.
  • The weather is still warm and students should bring a refillable water bottle with them every day. The health office does not have water bottles or refillable bottles.
  • The fall allergy season is upon us. If your student requires allergy medication please administer it prior to coming to school - the health office does not have allergy medication.
We are here to support your student to help them have a healthy and successful school year.
Thank you,

Kerrie Guinivan MSN, RN
Beverly Middle School Nurse
978-921-6103 x24260