About Our School » Arrival And Dismissal

Arrival And Dismissal

Procedures for 2022-2023 School Year

Front & Cafeteria Doors open at 8:15
Doors from the Outdoor Learning Center into the Cafeteria are open at 8:15 ONLY for students arriving to eat breakfast in the Cafeteria. 

Neighborhood Doors open at 8:30
Neighborhood doors open at 8:30 - students proceed to homerooms at that time.
Students are marked tardy after 8:45.


Students may walk or ride their bikes to school. To support this effort the district has several crossing guards in various locations. Bikers should lock their bike securely to a bike rack at the front or back of the school. Please do not use a tree, signpost, or prop it against other items. And always wear a helmet!

Dropoff/Pickup by Car - Off Campus

We currently have one off campus drop off and pick up location for parents to utilize that will bring your child to close proximity to the school without necessitating the need for your vehicle to physically enter the campus.  Note: The Cummings Center is not an approved drop spot for families. Beverly High School is also not available at the start of the school year due to construction

  • Beverly Golf and Tennis. Parents may pull into Beverly Golf and Tennis at 134 McKay Street to drop your child off in the morning for school. Crossing guards are deployed along McKay and Balch. For dismissal, parents may pull into the parking lot (dirt lot) on the right side of the driveway to park and wait for their child.

Rolling Dropoff and Pickup by Car
Traffic should enter the campus from Balch Street. Students may be dropped in the parking lot and you can either exit back on to Balch then take a right turn only OR travel through rolling drop off and exit on to Cabot.
Entering from Balch: When entering from Balch please drive alongside the field and take a left into the parking lot to either drop your student in the lot or proceed to rolling drop off.

Exiting onto Cabot: We now have two exits on to Cabot.
  • Drivers may take a left turn only on to Cabot via the first exit by Neighborhood 1.
  • Traffic can also exit on to Cabot with a right turn only near the exit by Tasty's.

Neighborhood 1

  • Grade 5: Cheetahs, Tigers, Pumas
  • Grade 6:Wildcats, Jaguars, Lions
  • Grade 7 Balch
  • Grade 8 Balch

Neighborhood 2

  • Grade 5: Jaguars, Lions, Wildcats
  • Grade 6: Pumas, Bobcats
  • Grade 7 Cabot
  • Grade 8 Cabot

Neighborhood 3

  • Grade 5: Ocelots
  • Grade 6:Cougars, Tigers
  • Grade 7 Hale
  • Grade 8 Hale
For adults entering the building, there is a large parking lot behind the school, off the Balch Street entrance. Staff may also park in the side lot next to Tasty's. There are a small number of visitor spaces in front of the building; these should be used by adults entering the building, not for pickup or drop off during arrival and dismissal times. At the start of the 2022-23 school year there is no parking on the side of the building, by the neighborhood entrances, due to construction.