Winter Waffleland Wrapup

Our first-ever Winter Waffleland community breakfast was a success in so many areas!
We raised just shy of $11,000 dollars which will be split between the grade levels and used for field trips, events, end-of-the-year activities, and more.
We had about 1,200 people join us for the event where around 2,500 waffles were served and numerous more smiles were viewed!
In total, we had about $4,000 in raffle sales with at least 500 tickets sold. The 12 winners were chosen and the video is uploaded to the BMS PTO Facebook page or you can view it here...congratulations!
The cafeteria was transformed by our amazing staff and peer leaders who hung over 200 hand-crafted snowflakes and 200 balloons, set 60 tables, and had at least 25 musicians perform!
We cannot wait for our next community meal and the opportunity to invite the BMS families and incoming 4th-graders to spend time with us at the middle school!