iPad Reminders

Every student has access to a school-owned iPad. Students are reminded that the device is school property and not their personal device. Teachers may ask students for their device at any time that it is not being used properly. At home, you as a parent also have the right to limit or take away privileges regarding their device. We do ask that devices brought home be charged at night so students come to school ready to use their iPad as a learning tool. Please reach out if you are in need of a charger.

  • Note: If a student damages their device, there is a 50.00 fee to fix the device. This can also be paid through a student work program

Our school handbook states the following:


Students are expected to respect all school property including books, workbooks, interior and exterior walls, and lockers.  Children defacing any school property will be responsible for their actions and will be expected to pay the cost of any cleaning, repair or replacement.  Students are also expected to respect the personal property of fellow students.  The school is not responsible for loss or damage to valuable items brought from home.
