Winter Waffleland served over 1,000 school community members this past Saturday, March 2nd! Waffles, bacon, sausage, juice, and coffee were consumed and great times were had by all! We had a very large number of 4th-grade students join us, and they were able to attend tours put on by our 8th-grade peer leaders, explore classrooms, check out the lockers, meet staff, and get their burning questions answered. We also had an epic raffle table filled with baskets all donated by the teaching staff, central office staff, and our BMS administrators.
The VIDEO LINK for the raffle drawing is HERE!
Local vendors, HeidiB Designs and French Press Candle Co., attended the event and provided a portion of their sales to the overall fundraiser, while Todd's Sporting Goods donated over $250 worth of gear to our raffle table!
Overall, we raised $10,228 which will be divided amongst the 4 grade levels and used for various BMS activities and events. Thank you to everyone who was able to join us and help to make Winter Waffleland 2024 happen!