All-City Jazz Band - Auditions Due 9/27

What to know:
  1. Jazz Band uses the following instruments- Trumpet, Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, Baritone Sax, Trombone, Baritone, Piano, Bass, Drumset and Guitar. 
  2. Who's eligible- Band members in grades 6-9 (exceptions are made for Piano, Bass and Guitar as we do not have those in band)
  3. When is the audition due?- September 27, 2024!
  4. Where can I find the material- Everything the kids need is in the All-City Jazz Band google classroom which they can find by clicking THIS LINK HERE or by joining the classroom using the code: 3qcbpzj
  5. Rehearsal is every Thursday after school from 3:15-4:45pm starting October 3rd and going all the way through June. It is expected that all members of the band will be at every rehearsal.
  6. We STRONGLY encourage kids to audition if they're interested! If you don't have a lot of jazz experience on your instrument THAT IS OK!! This group is where you will get that experience! 
  7. This attached document will have everything you need to know for the auditions! Please read it through and reach out if you have any questions!